6.5.45 – Funniest movie ever

June 5 1945 p1

June 5 1945 p2

Tuesday, June 5, 1945

Dear Folks,

This morning we were issued all our field equipment and combat boots which everybody is wearing.  They are the “sharp” affairs, consisting of regular GI shoes with about a 5″ flap on top.  We also have packs, canteen, etc. and even a shelter half (?) among our load.  A talk or movie for this afternoon was called off, so we have bunk fatigue – Thus this letter.

Last nite, we saw “Wonder Man” and I doubt if I laughed so hard or so much at one film before.  The fellow weren’t laughing but howling and screaming.  At one time I had to take off my glasses because they were getting fogged from tears.  That guy is terrific, truly a wonder man.

Tonite, there is some sort of combination movie, talk, and magician show put on by a bible society.  If we get off early enough, and don’t get passes (which I doubt), we’ll probably go.

Later…. as I said we didn’t go.  The orientation talk originally scheduled for this afternoon was given tonite.

We’re allowed 7 lbs of personal stuff, so I guess I’ll have to start sending some things home.  I guess that’s all.  Love, Bru

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