6.6.45 – Gas Training

June 6 1945 p1

June 6 1945 p2

Weds. June 6, 1945

Dear Folks,

Today we really soldiered. In the morning we were issued rifles and with gas masks went out for gas training. First we were showed how to put the mask on and adjust it, etc.  Then we went in the chamber which at first was filled with tear gas.  Wot-dya-know!  The mask works! But, the second time we went into the chamber, THEN put our masks on inside and dam quick, too.  The third time in the chamber was for chlorine gas.  Now convinced that our masks worked, we put them away.

The next thing were field demonstrations of different gases.  Dilute forms were set off in the field so we could get a whif and walk away.  Finally they showed us white phosphorous grenades and different color smoke bombs.  They were really beautiful.

This afternoon we went out for drill (just a little) with rifles and then had the obstacle course.  I WALKED around it avoiding anything in the line of a jump etc, so it wasn’t bad.  Nobody said anything, so I’ll do it that way if we get it again.

As usual, we got screwed up on passes tonite because we have to hear the Articles of War.  Then tomorrow I’m on Guard Duty, so I’m hoping to get out by Fri. and see what Marysville looks like.

I guess that’s all,



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